Serious Blog Needs at least Simple Action Plan

April 18th, 2009

Every serious blog needs good strategy to cope with more and more competitors on demanding web market. Long term comittment will probably not work for you so you need to pick dynamic approach and change your strategy every few months – create simple action plans using SWOT!

SWOT Analysis for Your Blog

Run a SWOT Analysis on Your Blog – Originally written by Darren Rowse in 2007

1. Mission and Goals

Why does my blog Exist?

Why do I Blog?

2. List Your Blog’s Strengths

What attributes does my blog have that will help me achieve it’s goals?

What are you good at as a blogger?

What resources and assets do you have at your disposal?

What do you do better than anyone else?

3. List Your Blog’s Weaknesses

What attributes does your blog have that are holding you back from achieving it’s goals?

What skills do you not have as a blogger?

What is ‘broken’ on your blog or in your work-flow?

What could or should you improve about your blog?

What should you probably avoid in your blogging?

What is distracting you from your goals?

4. List Your Blog’s Opportunities

What external things could/are helping you achieve your blog’s goals?

What trends are their in your blog’s niche that you could explore on your blog?

What tools and technologies could you use to improve your blog?

5. List Your Blog’s Threats

What external things could or area hindering you achieving your blog’s goals?

What are other blogs in your niche doing that could be hindrance to your own blog’s growth?

6. Analyze Your Reflections and Generate Strategies

How can you utilize your Strengths?

How can you bring your Weaknesses to an end?

How can you make the most of your Opportunities?

How can you fend off the Threats?

7. Plan to Do Something and Do It

Translate your findings into an Action Plan and begin to implement it.

See how I’ve done SWOT Analysis for my blog and use it as example

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2 Responses to “Serious Blog Needs at least Simple Action Plan”

  1. Anthony

    15 years ago

    More blogs need this kind of direction…great post!

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