1. Mission and Goals
Why does BizzArtic Exist?
- It exists to make best WordPress themes curently available.
Why do I Blog?
- I blog to extend my potential as WP theme designer and to engage community.
2. List Your Blogs Strengths
What attributes does bizzArtic have that will help me achieve it’s goals?
- It is a blog with lots of good themes that are freely available to download.
What are you good at as a blogger?
- I am good at helping people to use WP themes for their needs.
What resources and assets do you have at your disposal?
- I have good knowledge of developing WP themes and widgets related to them.
What do you do better than anyone else?
- I develop innovative and usable themes with extensive options.
3. List Your Blog’s Weaknesses
What attributes does your blog have that are holding you back from achieving it’s goals?
- It is slow and has fairly small number of readers.
What skills do you not have as a blogger?
- I am not good at writing stories and don’t have the ability to explain myself clearly.
What is ‘broken’ on your blog or in your work-flow?
- I haven’t found a way to monetize my work.
What could or should you improve about your blog?
- I should offer my services for a small fee.
What should you probably avoid in your blogging?
- I should avoid writing long novels and only give useful themes and tips.
What is distracting you from your goals?
- Lack of user engagement.
4. List Your Blogs Opportunities
What external things could/are helping you achieve your blog’s goals?
- WordPress platform, cheap hosting, some spare time from regular job
What trends are their in your blog’s niche that you could explore on your blog?
- Magazine themes, Twitter related widgets, Simple designs
What tools and technologies could you use to improve your blog?
- SEO tools, Grid framework, Another developer
5. List Your Blog’s Threats
What external things could or area hindering you achieving your blog’s goals?
- Free themes from other authors that are o the same level as mines.
What are other blogs in your niche doing that could be hindrance to your own blog’s growth?
- They are offering some nice new themes for small amount of money.
6. Analyze Your Reflections and Generate Strategies
How can you utilize your Strengths?
- Develop new, simple themes even faster.
How can you bring your Weaknesses to an end?
- Find faster host, offer my services for small amount of cash, involve my readers in development.
How can you make the most of your Opportunities?
- Offer more magazine styled themes that are simple, engage sbd else into development and standardise themes framework.
How can you fend off the Threats?
- Develop themes faster and offer more personalized services for small amount of cash.
7. Plan to Do Something and Do It
- I will develop themes faster (at least one per month), offer more personalized services for small amount of cash and find faster host till the end of this year as I have a contract with GoDaddy.