Today I decided it is time to target some customers for my Tips-for-Tips programme. My first aim is to spend about 25$ to see how people will respond to my simple but yet intuitive website for customers. Don’t know if its smart to do so beause I still need to transfer Tips site to so I can manage my customers within their online accounts and give them a place specially accommodated for them. Now it might get confusing because there are links that point to my blog and everything I do with it – but on the other hand trends show that web designer firms tend to put their own blogs just next to their service offers, to name a few:,, etc.
To go back to AdWords,…because its my first advertising campaign I decided to play safe and just tap the market with mere 25 bucks. Its almost nothing but if it gives me one customer it would be a huge success. I don’t expect that, because my main aim is to get some feedback from them and make same improvements from it. I also want to learn how AdWords works and what is average ROI on short term.
My Text Ad
I decided to pick only regions that will probably get me most customers. I did not do any kind of analysis, my perception was my only guide.
On this final step I must ask you not to click my ads as by reading this article I probably made my point to you;) TNX