I’ve been developing web pages for Faculty of Economics for approximately 1 year now and it has been really the best experience to date. Before that I worked in IT department of our faculty for managing business processes in Slovenia’s top firms (banks, insurance companies, national TV,…) – there I worked mostly like an assistant so I decided to get more involved in business practice so I joined IT development department of our faculty, simply called Web Team.
Now I develop pages in classic ASP and .NET, which primarily work with MS-Sql Server, 2005 edition. My main focus is on intranet for students and different departments (International office, Management and Marketing). I’m not involved in design work because we have overall design concept we need to follow, so no critiques please.
And to mention,… Slovenian Faculty of Economics, from Universtity of Ljubljana is top management school in sout-east of europe and only one in this region to have equis accreditation.
Visit short virtual tour to get better perspective where I work: http://www.ef.uni-lj.si/en/info/virtTour.asp
Saudi Jobs
14 years ago
All themes looking good