Over the time of writing my blog I’ve learned that there is big difference between visitos that read my blog. The difference is really huge and it really made me think what to do to get good visitors come more often! Thus I’ve gone to the source of the problem to find out where do bad visitors come from and also how good ones found my blog?
This is a truth of the Internet: When traffic comes to your site without focused intent, it bounces. 75% of all unfocused visitors leave within three seconds. – Seth Godin
So, which visitors are bad?
I would say that about 75% of visitors every blog attracts are bad. Numbers can vary thought posts but it’s probably there. Also There could be numerous criteria for determination of bad visitors, I’ll pick few of them, which in my case (bizzartic.com) made more impact:
Google AdWords
In past I’ve experimented with advertising to attract more visitors and I got very disappointed. Those visits made more damage than anything else. Almost every visitor was a spammer, taht said, on every good comment someone left I got 20 spam ones.
Leaving links to posts on other websites
This method was quite encouraging at start but more I pushed more spammers I got. Thus I’ve decided that I’ll only comment on other blogs and won’t register to communities that encourage you to submit your blog as it doesn’t made me any good.
Buying traffic!
I never did this but it is quite popular. I don’t have experience from it but I don’t believe it makes your blog better when you have 5000 visitors that don’t have a clue what they’re doing on your blog.
Link exchange
I didn’t do this method either but still don’t believe any blog can benefit from it. Maybe it makes blog more visible to Google but still your visitors won’t know what they’re doing on your blog!
AdSense + AdWords
This is probably the sleekiest method to eventually earn money from doing nothing. You probably hear sometimes:
In fact I know a friend in Sydney who last time I spoke to him, was spending about $5000 a day on AdWords, to make $8000 a day in commissions for a total profit of $3000 A DAY – amazing stuff!
Final Advice
Write good content and you should be fine. If you don’t invest at least 1hour into your post than it is probably not worth reading. So I say instead of writting crap more often write like a pro once a week/moth!
If you have some money to play with at the beginnig hire a SEO expert to help you make your blog more visible to search engines. Your good content is of no use if nobody can see it. If you have no money than you will probably need to learn sth yourself and SEO optimize your blog altogether.
Don’t write too general, concentrate on narrow field of interest that you’re close to. If you for instance like pets it’s not enough to write about dogs in general but to write about certain breed. If that becomes popular you can widen your posts to other breeds and so on…