If you watched a movie Batman begins (2005), you probably noticed when Thomas Wayne, Bruce’s father tells him:
Thomas Wayne: And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.
It’s quite the same with blogging, if you take bizzartic.com for instance it’s not a fairy tail which I imagined but everytime I get depressed about it I tell to myself that one time it will pay off…I don’t give up that easily.
Here are 25 of lessons that Taylor Davidson has learned from failure:
1. Dither, dither, dither; plan, plan, plan.
Instead: Fail fast. Fire, aim, repeat.
2. Postpone hard decisions until you have to make hard trade-offs.
Instead: Make decisions earlier to create options and build flexibility.
3. Copy tactics.
Instead: Create strategies.
4. “Fight the good fight.”
Instead: Pick the right battles, at the right time, with the right people. *
5. Solve your problems.
Instead: Solve their problems.
6. Focus on the long-term.
Instead: Focus on the short-term.
7. Build prototypes, mockups and samples.
Instead: Start building in a format and medium as close to the finished product as possible, and iterate, iterate, iterate.
8. Let data make decisions.
Instead: Use data to guide decisions.
9. Give customers everything they want.
Instead: Listen to customers, then throw (almost) all of it away.
10. “New, New, New!”
Instead: F*** new. What’s different? What’s better?
12. Optimise for the best-case scenario.
Instead: Build redundancy and plan for the worst-case scenario.
13. Over-promise, over-sell, under-deliver.
Instead: Over-promise, over-sell, over-deliver.
14. Be stubborn in the face of failure.
Instead: Be determined in the face of disbelief.
15. “We can build a successful business by capturing just X% of the market.”
Instead: Sell to one customer. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
16. Depend on outsiders to make key decisions or develop key components.
Instead: Make your own key decisions and build your own core competitive advantages.
17. “I know more than anyone else.”
Instead: If you think you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re the fool.
18. A unanimous decision means we’re all right.
Instead: If everybody agrees, you’re probably all wrong.
19. Hire resumes.
Instead: Hire people: curiosity, passion, interpersonal skills and drive.
20. Create rules to outline decisions.
Instead: Create incentives to guide decisions.
21. Reward activity.
Instead: Reward achievements, both failures and successes.
22. Meet to discuss.
Instead: Meet to decide.
23. Work under “understandings”.
Instead: Create legal agreements as soon as possible.
24. Everything matters.
Instead: Recognize the difference between “penny-wise” and “pound-foolish”.
25. Treat these secrets as absolutes.
Instead: Know all the rules completely so you can break them perfectly.
List source: http://www.unstructuredventures.com/index.html
PDF download: here
And visit authors blog, you might find more useful info for sure.
Taylor Davidson
16 years ago
Thanks… and I’ve also found that blogging is hard work. Keep it going!