Are you tired of publishing long boring posts? When you read RSS feeds, do you mostly read just titles? – I DO, thus I’ve decided to develop a magazine theme for publishing news fast and easy, without ever visiting WP admin panel. I will use framework from my latest WP admin panel and build on Prologue P2 theme.
Unique features:
- Publishing from front page
- Commenting on front page
- Comments equal to posts
- Threaded comments on front page
- Keyboard shortcuts for publishing, commenting
- Easy insertion of videos, photos and galleries
- Integration with Twitter and TweetMeme (later also with FriendFeed,…)
Front page look (click to enlarge)
Subscribe and follow its development to release date
Željan Topić
15 years ago
Eventhough there is lack of comments I’ll go on with this theme as I believe it’s really sth to look forward to – again, I’m beining egoistic =)
Antonio Thonis
15 years ago
That is awesome! Would really like to test how it would work as an online community that allows its members to post short text/links/vids about social media for example.
Keep me posted, would like to beta-test it.
Željan Topić
15 years ago
Theme will be structured for real-time conversation so it will be excellent for team blogging or intranets. Subscribe and follow its development.
Luís Reis
15 years ago
Excelent ideia! Seems like you had a tweet on your mind.
It’ would be great to use twitter to write posts on the blog, a tweet to post kind function.
Listing normal blog posts and twitter posts in the same listing maybe highlighted with different background shading colors.
– Automated Tweet on blog update.
– Tweetpic integration.
One last thought… This theme could serve two different worlds, a social and a more corporate one. I can imagine this being used for a social blog but also as you mentioned for a team blogging or intranet. Maybe two versions could show up using the same technology behind.
I’ll comment if more ideas come to my head.
Keep up the Excellent work! Good luck with new project.
15 years ago
looks great, really like that you’ve taken the p2 framework and designed a skin for it, the original p2 was kinda dull.
Željan Topić
15 years ago
This won’t be just a skin but the whole overhaul or to be more realistic, P2 will be used just as example, not a framework as it has terrible JS structure.
15 years ago
It seems like there have been a ton of twitter-esque themes coming out for WordPress over the past few months, but this seems like the most originally, and more professionally done one. Great job! 😉
Ivan Mišić
15 years ago
This one look great. Looking forward to see it.
15 years ago
This is a good starting point for a more functional communication theme. Nevertheless, I would suggest to focus more on the team communication/collaboration rather than building another twitter look alike like P2 and others.
I would suggest to add task and /or project assignment functionalities and the ability to filter by tags/user.
Keep up the good work.
Andrew Kealik
15 years ago
Sweet is all I can say. Was just looking for something like this.
Few Suggestions:
Option to integrate twitter into the header.
Social links in top header.
1. Log in using Fb connect, google connect or twitter.
2. Ability to post media by clicking on a button.
3. Rounded edges would be a nice change.
4. Ability to pull tweets that specify a certain tag into the conversation.
5. Buttons that allow basic editing functions such as bold, links, highlight etc.
6. About the site section on the right.
7. Easy email, rss and twitter subscribe buttons.
8. Ability to add social submit buttons.
9. Ability to set a location. Useful if planning an event in real time.
Top would be #s 1, 2, 5, 7, 4 and 9
Željan Topić
15 years ago
I’m thinking the same as you do but features that sound simple and obvious aren’t always that simple to incorporate. I hope theme evolves in a way you listed.
Antonio Thonis
15 years ago
How is the development going? Would really like to test and use it soon :).
Željan Topić
15 years ago
It’s already published:
15 years ago
There seem to be some slight compatibility issues with IE7 left.
See attached image:
Željan Topić
15 years ago
Rask theme hasn’t been validated yet, … I understand it has some browser issues but can’t find time to validate it. It would take me couple of hours to do that but it is still al lot =)
15 years ago
i like this themes .. look simple but great work… thanks