vCard is a file format standard for electronic business cards thus I got an idea that it would be nice to incorporate concept into WordPress theme itsef.
WP blog platform would be used as presentation site for personal business information of individual entrepreneurs along with simple blog posts that would behave like in my other theme, called Rask.
Front page concept (click to enlarge)
Share your opinion about this concept, which features to include, how it should look like etc…. looking forward to your responses.
15 years ago
This would be interesting for multi-author sites. A few questions for clarification:
1. Where do you envision the vcard inforation being entered? Would there be an import vcard option when a new user is being created?
2. Would the fields in the vcard become available as extended profile fields that can be used elsewhere in the theme?
Good thinking – nice work on the themes.
Željan Topić
15 years ago
vCard is the standard for personal/busines info clarification so it’s very easy to transfer data to other software, Outlook as one example. It will be possible to import/export vcard data with ease. User data will be entered in WP profile fields, I’ll consider adding more fields into standard WP membership section.
John Bates
15 years ago
Though you mention tabling this design for a while, I wanted to add that I also like this idea and would use the design for my personal website. I like the inclusion of the microformat. I think we’ll start to see more and more of that as part of websites.
Email me, I’d like to get an idea about your pricing. My organization owns/operates nearly 500 websites – most based in WP. You do really good work – now to see if we can afford you. 🙂
John Bates
15 years ago
I just found your pricing information. I guess I need more coffee. 🙂 We’ll be in touch, but feel free to reach out to me in the interim. Cheers, JB
Željan Topić
15 years ago
Maybe a RedBull? 😉