My theme designs are getting more and more advanced so I’ve decided to gradually drop static template development and put all strengths into development with hooks (functions).
What are ‘hooks’?
- Hooks are nothing more than functions which you call in any theme file and you may do so multiple times.
Why is development around ‘hooks’ better?
- It produces much less code that is cleaner and SEO friendly.
- User has ability to modify theme files very easily by calling custom functions, adding new ones or dropping them.
- Themes have very flexible layout.
- … and themes are very easy to develop once you master development around ‘hooks’.
Which bizztheme will be first to use them?
- Pure Magazine is the first one, all other BizzArtic themes will follow.
15 years ago
Something like a unified framework?
Željan Topić
15 years ago
No, that is ‘unified’ already, I’d rather say much more flexible framework.
15 years ago
Thats a good news..I am still using your lovely igloo theme:)