Igloo News Theme Released

November 30th, 2008

Finally after weeks of work I’ve put together my first wordpress theme with all the premium features you can imagine. Also there is a support guide that helps users find info quickly and easily….And best of all it’s FREE. There are no hooks or anything, I’m just doing it to enhance my online presence by giving sth to community,…so enjoy;)

Demo Here | Download | Support | Features

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94 Responses to “Igloo News Theme Released”

  1. Edwin

    16 years ago

    Looks great here, but I can’t get it to display on my site.

    Also, is it possible to use ad-sense adverts instead of the ones you are using in the sidebars?

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  2. Željan Topić

    16 years ago

    Edwin, I’ve sent you an email if you need my help with you your site…otherwise downloads have exceeded 100 mark – my feeling is optimistic:)…everyone that gets successful with my theme gets a drink from me;)

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  3. Alex

    16 years ago

    I also have the same question. How could I use Google adsense instead of the picture ads you have installed?

    And BTW great theme.

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  4. Željan Topić

    16 years ago

    You can use it but unfortunately it is currently designed for banners so you’ll need to play with code if you want to replace banners with AdSense.

    Go to includes directory and open template where you want to insert your AdSense code (ads-200×200.php, ads-300×250.php, ads-top.php, ads-bottom.php)…place your code between box2 or box3 div.

    I’ll try to make theme AdSense ready in next releases…don’t know why guys behind webtoolscollection.com said it is build for AdSense as I have never said that.

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  5. Alex

    15 years ago

    Thanks for the help. I knew I could insert adsense via the includes folder but was wondering if there was an easier way.

    One last question. I cannot get the featured picture to display. All it keeps showing is the link to the picture and not the picture itself.

    If you go to my development blog http://nortonrelease.com/wordpress you can see the problem.

    Thanks in advance for the help.

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  6. Željan Topić

    15 years ago

    Alex, please update to latest version,…very sorry for all those updates to everyone, I defined theme name directory Igloo News but it should be spelled together like igloonews – problem is when you call files in that kind of directory, example …/wp-content/themes/Igloo News/style.css…as it should be …./wp-content/themes/IglooNews/style.css

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  7. Alex

    15 years ago

    Thanks allot. I suspectd it was something like that so I was looking through the includes folder and CSS files but coulbn’t pinpoint the problem. I’m going to update and see if it fixes the problem.

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  8. Mike

    15 years ago

    Awesome theme! Just one thing. I would like to move the page to the top (where the categories are) and the categories to where the pages are. Just like you have here, on your site.

    Can you explain how you did that? This is exactly what I was looking for. Again, great theme and thanks.

    – Mike

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  9. Željan Topić

    15 years ago

    My blog theme is not the same as Igloo as mine was bought from a friend and Igloo was developed from the base of 960.gs.

    This could be achieved with little effort, contact me on my mail where we will try to discuss the matter further (I won’t charge you or anything, don’t worry 🙂

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  10. Garritt

    15 years ago

    Great Theme. Love the color selection, and the layout. Thanks for including an area for a customized logo. This is too often overlooked.

    I have already downloaded the theme and will give it a try soon.

    Keep up the good work.

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  11. Arief Fajar Nursyamsu

    15 years ago

    Nice theme, but I could not get the header image worked. It showed nothing.
    Any solution?


    I am using FF 3.0.4

    Reply to this comment
    • Željan Topić

      15 years ago

      If path to header image is correct than it should work. Try uploading image to CDN, photobucket, flickr,…and paste the path to it. Otherwise contact me if you have need more accurate help.

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  12. norman

    15 years ago

    thank you for the theme. How can I exclude some of the categories in the header? I have 10 and I want to show only 5.

    Thank you

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    • Željan Topić

      15 years ago

      No problem, just go to your theme directory and open header.php in editor.

      There you will find code: $cats = get_categories(‘hierarchical=1&hide_empty=1’);

      Add exclude tag to it with category id’s added, example: $cats = get_categories(‘hierarchical=1&hide_empty=1&exclude=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8‘);

      That’s it! I will add simplified excludes management in next release, also for pages so stay tuned.

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  13. Jabi

    15 years ago

    Thanks a lot for the theme. I find it fantastic for an installation I edit (completelly agree about addressing to your audience in your language) but, is there a way to get the upper drop-down menu to show pages and subpages instead of categories? In my installation posts categories are not so relevant but I need the dropdown to show all pages and subpages.

    Congratulations anyway, the theme is great.

    Reply to this comment
    • Željan Topić

      15 years ago

      Tnx for the compliment,…have to say that next release will include all features I picked from feedback, also page drop-downs and possibility to hide categories. If you like this release the next one will really blow you away 🙂

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  14. Jabi

    15 years ago

    That sounds great, so I’ll give you another idea for next release: a pages menu to be displayed on a sidebar when displaying a specific page or subpage showing that page’s child (and sibling, perhaps) pages… That would be a killer app for more page-centered installations.

    Have a happy new year


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  15. monk

    15 years ago

    Русифицированный шаблон Igllo можно скачать на моём сайте

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  16. Franck

    15 years ago

    On the last theme, Comments.php doesn’t run correctly. I don’t can display Comments under my articles.

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    • Željan Topić

      15 years ago

      Franck, comments.php file doesn’t contain script for displaying comments, they are under function.php file instead, I ques you’re trying to copy them=)

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  17. nico

    15 years ago

    Hi Zeljan and you guys, nico from france, your theme rocks, is there a way to easily change the header disposition i mean the category menu, the logo (and sizetoo), and the page menu. At the same time for those of us who dont want to use the category description in the cat menu is there a way to get rid of this ? That would be really GENIALISSIME if you could let the user decide at this level.
    or provide some options in your theme package. like

    option1 option2 option3
    page Menu logo cat menu
    logo page menu logo
    cat menu cat menu page menu ETC…..

    What do you think ?

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  18. nico

    15 years ago

    oups the formating of my “options” is lost apparently so i do it agin but horizontaly :

    option1 : page menu + logo + cat menu
    option2 : logo + page menu + cat menu
    option3 : cat menu + logo + page menu

    ETC….. that would be a killer option !

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  19. Andrijan

    15 years ago

    This is the most beautiful theme for WordPress i have ever seen.
    Too easy to use, (thanks for that :]), easy to navigate, i like the featured post at most. Maybe you can make, like when you have more featured posts, to go on numbers, and change automatic. If you don’t know what i mean check out http://www.discoverychannel.co.uk ; and see the index. Greetings from Macedonia…

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  20. monk

    15 years ago

    Hi Željan, prompt please how to refer banners nofollow and noindex, I will not understand in any way…

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  21. monk

    15 years ago

    I wish to close external references banners (“http://www.example.com”) tegs noindex and to add to them attribute nofollow in this place of a code in functions.php:

    $options[] = array( “name” => “#1 – Destination”,
    “desc” => “Enter the URL where this Ad points to.”,
    “id” => $shortname.”_ad_url_1″,
    “std” => “http://www.example.com”,
    “type” => “text”);

    Reply to this comment
    • Željan Topić

      15 years ago

      U can use tag nofollow for links and noindex for whole pages.

      Example for nofollow:

      a href="http://www.example.com" rel="nofollow"

      Example for no index (add this to header of page you don’t want to be indexed):

      meta name="robots" content="noindex"

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  22. monk

    15 years ago

    You suggest to close a homepage for indexation. I should close only one reference. For example, at me on a homepage 3 baners, 1 for partner programs and 2 for money. It is necessary to me that 2 for money were indexed, and 1 partner were not indexed. To put labels there is no index in the panel of options of a template Igloo it is impossible, and all references baners are installed there. Here I also ask, as it to make in a template Igloo?

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  23. achot

    15 years ago

    i like this themes.. thx 🙂

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    15 years ago

    Very nice theme.

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  25. monk

    15 years ago

    Hi Željan !
    I quote: ” Breaking News box (it looks like featured posts on homepage, this box will be visible for 7 days) ”

    Question, how to change 7 days on 3?

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  26. monk

    15 years ago

    Thanks for the help

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  27. monk

    15 years ago

    Hi Željan, Such question, at an insert picture in post (the small size) presses it in the to a left edge. It can be corrected? Thanks.

    Reply to this comment
    • Željan Topić

      15 years ago

      Picure inline editing comes by default with WP: click on image and edit place it wherever you want, hopefully I understood what u meant

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  28. monk

    15 years ago

    The problem also consists in that that by preparation of texts it does not work as standard means WP…

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  29. Bill Wolff

    15 years ago


    I was wondering how I might be able to get the Image Gallery to display. Right now I just get the root folder contents.


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    • Bill Wolff

      15 years ago


      Okay, I was able to get the page to display properly, but I’m not sure how to get my images to display. Any help is greatly appreciated.


      Reply to this comment
      • Željan Topić

        15 years ago

        If you’re reffering to custom template page, called Image gallery: Images are excerpted from custom fields called ‘image’ so if you don’t have custom filed images, they won’t show up in gallery.

        Reply to this comment
        • Bill

          15 years ago

          Thanks. I’ll give that a try. A quick question about featured posts. I have activated featured posts, but none of my categories are appearing in the pull-down menu (same for breaking news). I recently updated to WordPress 2.8. Could that be the problem?



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          • Željan Topić

            15 years ago

            2.8 is the problem, other themes have update to this issue, Igloo is still about to receive it.

          • Bill

            15 years ago

            Quick update: Categories are not appearing in any of the places where they should appear in the Theme Options. I’m suspecting this is a 2.8 issue because all was fine yesterday. Thanks. B

          • B

            15 years ago

            Okay, great! Thanks.

  30. shimon

    15 years ago

    Hi first of all I love this theme. My problem is when I add the custom filed called image everything works great on the home page it shows the thumbnails but it shows them on the post too and thus I’ve two identical (except for size and location) pictures on my post instead of one. please Help

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  31. shimon

    15 years ago

    Hi Željan
    I noticed that I don’t have a reply link between the comments is there any way to fix this?

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  32. Bill

    15 years ago

    Thanks for releasing the new version of Igloo! I seem to be having a problem, however, with the footer displaying at the bottom of all pages–Main Index, Single Post, and Page, and so on.

    As a way to test the get footer function, I tried adding

    to the top of the of several pages. For Single Post and Page the footer will appear at the top of the page, where it should. It will not appear at the bottom.

    However, if I add this to the top of the Main Index Template, it will not appear at the top or the bottom.

    Thinking it could be a problem with some of my widgets, I removed all of them from the sidebar. Still, the footer would not appear.

    Any help you could provide is greatly appreciated.

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  33. Bill

    15 years ago

    I’m sorry to keep contacting you, Željan. I’m really enjoying your theme and have been able to do some fun additional customization.

    For some reason, the most recent blog posts are not showing up. I’m using the multi-box version. They appear when I make them featured via a certain category, but when I turn off Featured Posts they don’t appear in the smaller white boxes.

    Any ideas?


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    • Željan Topić

      15 years ago

      Can you provide a link to website?

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      • Bill

        15 years ago

        Sure, the web site is: http://williamwolff.org/.

        This is very interesting. i was doing a little more searching to see if there was a pattern for which were not appearing. I found the solution. I had a category called “i.t.” I removed the periods and changed it to IT and now they all appear. I guess there was something going on with periods in the category name?

        There is another issue. I am trying to use the Dynamic Content Gallery, which you can see at http://www.studiograsshopper.ch/dynamic-content-gallery-configuration/.

        For some reason it will not work with Igloo News theme. I tried it on my old theme and it works just fine as I have it configured with all the current plug-ins as they are. I’m wondering if there might be a Javascript conflict. Would you mind looking in to this? The Gallery is a very popular plugin and I have been hoping to use it for a while with your outstanding theme.

        Thanks so much.


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  34. Self help blog

    15 years ago

    Hi Željan. I’ve noticed that the categories don’t work properly: when I click on them from my sitemap it doesn’t open a list of my posts under a category instead it either opens a specific post or an image or it goes to my 404 page. Is there anything I can do?

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  35. squid

    15 years ago

    Hi Željan,

    I already installed Igloo News v_3.4 My problem is, There is no pictures showing in my Featured post in the homepage as well as the other post in the home page. Only text appears.

    Thanks in Advance.

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  36. squid

    15 years ago

    Hi Željan,

    I’ve tried you tutorials but It’s still not working. Is that applicable for Igloo News v_3.4?
    Do you have nay specific steps on how to make my images in the front page ( featured post) work?

    Thank you.

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  37. Sham

    15 years ago

    Hi Željan Topić,

    I have been using your theme nearly for more then 9 months..I need a small help ..How to disable thumbnail image in post ?I know if we are not gonna use custom field “image” the thumbnail will not appear.But wat i actually want is to remove codes related to thumbnail image in post..Please help me out.

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  38. Alaina Frederick

    15 years ago

    I seriously want to cry…I’m SOOOOO freakin’ happy! I have been messing around with about 20 different themes – even put a call out onto Twitter asking for anyone to help.

    I came across this site by accident and finally I had a good accident happen! I’m just starting to figure all this out and I love it! I went from wanting to throw in the towel and give it all up to smiling and laughing. THANK YOU!!!

    I’m also wondering if it’s possible to have the pages in the top nav bar and the categories in the lower nav bar.


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  39. Alaina Frederick

    15 years ago

    Also, one more question – where can I comment out the “popularity” from showing until I have more traffic coming in on the site. Seeing “3%” is just not going to help my case 🙂

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  40. Shae

    15 years ago

    First off. Great theme! I’m so happy I stumbled across this theme..I have took the time to customize it to my liking, but have two questions:

    1) How do you change the background (within the body wrapper) from being what you have as default? I want it to be my own custom background.
    2) I want to know if it is possible to not have the same image that was used for the thumb of a post while on the main page show up in the actual post. Quite frankly I would love the thumbs version and the images in the post to be completely different. How do you get them thumbnail to show up only on the main pages but not in the post itself!? Please help!!
    Or if that isn’t possible, is there a way to make the version that shows up in the post larger than just 250px?

    Thanks in advance and please please help!!

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    • Željan Topić

      14 years ago

      1) edit style.css or custom.css if exists
      2) Open single.php and delete lines 58-66.

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      • Shae

        14 years ago

        Hey I did took a look at the style.css file and when I would edit under body {} the background the image file, it wouldn’t actually change anything so is there some line of code somewhere else that is over-riding this command? Please I need to know, I really want to change the color and image if possible.

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        • Željan Topić

          14 years ago

          No, only style.css is used for design elements 😉

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          • Shae

            14 years ago

            I tried that and it is still not working so I don’t know.

  41. Alaina Frederick

    14 years ago

    I am LOVING this theme – just had to put it out there again.

    I wanted to know how to change the font size for the post body. I’ve tried a number of times and it changes the font size in my sidebar and areas I do not wish to increase the font.

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  42. Shae

    14 years ago

    Hey..I have another question..I would like to increase the amount of posts that show on the main page, or for that matter. The amount that shows per page from 10 pots to say about 25 posts, so that my content matches the full length of the sidebar. What line of code do I need to change, and where do I change this. Please help!! thanks.

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  43. Ramana

    14 years ago

    My Question is when i installed Featured Content gallery and then activated, its not working. Even i tried for jquery plugin those plugins also not working.. can you please help me out from this…

    Thanks in advance..

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  44. shae

    14 years ago

    Hi..I’m back to ask about css file.
    I want to change the PAGE background to all white (#FFF) but where is the line of code in the css file to do so? I can’t seem to find it, I’ve changed everything over that might be hinted to the page background color reference, but it still shows up as being the default weird two tone picture it came with. How do I change this?? Please help!

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  45. News Popular

    14 years ago

    any options for use this theme using image custom field..please

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